Coblos Cinta [DVDRip]

Diposting oleh AremaOke Movie Sabtu, 25 Juli 2009

Bella successful run to become the head of the candidate BEM campus. He is also requesting assistance team success: Putri, Icha, Sasha, and heidy. Bella rival, Aldi, will be a heavy competitor. Handsome, pinter, cock and conquer children, Aldi will also be supported by a team of success: Ferry and Dimas.

Aldi campaign successfully conquer children’s campus in a way that is somewhat “unprincipled”, but yet effective. While the campaign Bella too straight, so boring. After disadarkan by his team, Bella change strategy and begin the political real. Step is successful, and began to pursue ketertinggalannya Bella.

But, slowly Bella would feel more interested and close to the Aldi. Aldi apparently feel the same. And in one night, Aldi also nearly kissed Bella ….

Incident terpotret by Anto, a student manager tabloids campus, like the search for sensation. Bella boyfriend, Rhino, large angry. The team also successfully Bella disordered, because during this Icha keeps feeling like the Aldi.

Who will win the election? How the fate relationships Rhino and Bella? Aldi whether Bella finally be together? How do also with the Icha? All will be missed at the party head of the announcement of a new BEM.

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